Paying into your pension may not be top of your to-do list, but delaying your retirement planning could impact the potential growth of your pension plus you could be passing up the opportunity for valuable tax relief.
Preparing for retirement doesn’t start in the days and weeks before you stop work.
With professional advice and regular reviews we can help you keep your retirement plans on track.
At Mclay James we can provide you with advice on new pensions and review any existing pensions.
Although all pensions are essentially investment plans designed to provide an income when you retire, there are many different types of pension plan and at Mclay James we can help reduce the confusion.
If you have multiple pension pots, you may want to see whether it would be worthwhile combining them. Combining your pension pots can help you keep track of your retirement funds plus it can make things easier when your start to receive benefits as you could then receive payments from a single source rather than several smaller payments from different sources.
Since 6 April 2015 you now have far more options in how and when you take your pension benefits. Whether you plan to retire fully, partially or to carry on working for longer, you can now tailor when and how you use your pension.
At Mclay James we can help you plan your own retirement journey.